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Whitehall Mystery

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Giochi Uniti
Store Closing Sale! Save 40% or more sitewide while supplies last!
$47.89 $28.73

( You save:  $19.16)

Number of Players 2-4
Playtime 45-60 Min
Suggested Ages 13+
Designer(s) Gabriele Mari, Gianluca Santopietro
Publisher Giochi Uniti

October 1888: During the construction of the Metropolitan Police headquarters near Whitehall, which would later be known as Scotland Yard, the remains of a body were discovered. In September, a severed arm had already been found in the muddy shore of the River Thames.

There is another murderer roaming the streets of London in Whitehall, amusing himself by spreading the pieces of some poor woman around Whitehall, like some kind of macabre treasure hunt. The identity of this monster and his unfortunate victim are a complete mystery, the Whitehall Mystery.

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