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What Do You Meme?: Spongebob Squarepants

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$19.89 $7.96

( You save:  $11.93)

Number of Players 3-20
Playtime 30-90 Min
Suggested Ages 12+
Designer(s) N/A
Publisher Self-Published
Base Game What Do You Meme?, What Do You Meme?: Family Edition

What do you meme expansion containing spongebob and friends.

Compete with your friends and family to make the funniest Spongebob memes. Do this by using one of your dealt caption cards to caption the photo card in every round.

Can be used with both the What Do You Meme? core game and/or What Do You Meme? Family Edition.

Comes with:

  • 30 caption cards
  • 50 photo cards
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