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Bezier Games
Store Closing Sale! Save 60% or more sitewide while supplies last!
$22.89 $9.16

( You save:  $13.73)

Number of Players 3-10
Playtime 15 Min
Suggested Ages 8+
Designer(s) Jeremie Kletzkine
Publisher Bezier Games

You are a key player in the lucrative but hazardous business of collecting werebeasts. Armed with only your good looks and several cans of indescribably tasty werechow, you must bid for the werebeasts you need — and also for ones you don't in hopes of throwing your opponents off track.

Your fellow collectors in Werebeasts are also collecting creatures that have the most value to them. If you are able to hide your intentions long enough, you'll be rewarded. If you can make it to the end of the game without getting caught, you just might win the game.

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