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Viticulture Wine Crate

Out of stock
Stonemaier Games
Store Closing Sale! Save 60% or more sitewide while supplies last!
$59.89 $23.96

( You save:  $35.93)

The Wine Crate is an organizer box for Viticulture, designed from the inside out to carry all Viticulture components (core game and expansions, even out-of-print modules) in an assortment of 6 custom plastic inserts and accompanying lids. It fits sleeved cards (recommend 60-micron thickness), and it is designed to help facilitate quick setup via the player-token trays.

It is big, but it’s still portable, and it fits nicely onto a Kallax shelf.

In its 6 custom plastic inserts, the Wine Crate can contain:

  • all Viticulture core game components (any version)
  • all Tuscany components (either version, including out-of-print modules)
  • all custom metal lira coins
  • all Moor Visitors cards
  • all Visit from the Rhine Valley cards
  • all Viticulture World components
  • all cards from the game and expansions, sleeved or unsleeved
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