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Vikings Gone Wild: It's A Kind of Magic

Out of stock
Lucky Duck Games
Store Closing Sale! Save 40% or more sitewide while supplies last!
$17.99 $10.79

( You save:  $7.20)

Number of Players 2-4
Playtime 40-90 Min
Suggested Ages 10+
Designer(s) Julien Vergonjeanne
Publisher Lucky Duck Games
Base Game Vikings Gone Wild

It's a Kind of Magic comes with 110 cards, including a new card type: Spells. When used in the game, Spells replace Defense, Units, or both.

  • 1 new Building (Sorceress Tower)
  • 4 new Units (Shaman, Sorceress, Dreki, and Dreki Eggs)
  • 6 new Spells (Shield, Thunder, Magic Manipulation, Ice Trap, Magic Potion, and Gold Touch)
  • 1 new Divine Favor (Hel)
  • 8 new Odin's Path cards (Necronomicon, Destruction, Sheep Storm, and Zap Trap)
  • 2 new end-game bonuses
  • 5 new Missions
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