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The Princes of Florence

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$51.89 $20.76

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Number of Players 2-5
Playtime 75-100 Min
Suggested Ages 12+
Designer(s) Wolfgang Kramer, Richard Ulrich, Jens Christopher Ulrich
Publisher WizKids

In The Princes of Florence, players will attract artists and scholars to their palace while trying to become the most prestigious family in Florence.

Over seven rounds, players will attempt to score points in various ways, with most points being earned by playing profession cards to generate "work points", which can be exchanged for money or victory points. The game comes with a variety of professions, such astronomers, organists, and architects; each profession is attracted to a particular combination of building, landscape feature, and social freedom, and players acquire these items via auctions. The more that a player can match these preferences, the more work points they score— but the minimum requirement of work points increases each round, and you must meet that threshold in order to convert the work points.

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