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The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game - The Withered Heath

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$15.99 $6.40

( You save:  $9.59)

Number of Players 1-2
Playtime 60 Min
Suggested Ages 13+
Designer(s) Caleb Grace
Publisher Fantasy Fight Games

The Withered Heath is the very first Adventure Pack in the Ered Mithrin cycle for The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game. After traveling up the Anduin River on the eve of winter, braving the Forest Road through Mirkwood, and plumbing the depths of the caves that lie below the Iron Hills, word of a new threat waiting high in the Grey Mountains has reached your group of heroes. This dire news has sent them in search of the Withered Heath, a long valley where Dragons are said to breed.

With its sixty cards (including a new hero and three copies of each new player card), The Withered Heath finds you and your heroes desperately seeking to eliminate this danger before it can direct its wrath to the whole of the Wilderland. But the road through the mountains is dangerous, the weather being just as treacherous as any of the creatures you might encounter.

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