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Sundae Split

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Number of Players 2-5 Playtime 20 Min Suggested Ages 10+ Designer(s) Nate Bivins Publisher Renegade Game Studios In Sundae Split, players attempt to build the best ice cream sundae fr...
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Number of Players 2-5
Playtime 20 Min
Suggested Ages 10+
Designer(s) Nate Bivins
Publisher Renegade Game Studios

In Sundae Split, players attempt to build the best ice cream sundae from the ingredients at hand. Get just the right mix of toppings and flavors, but avoid vegetables! At the end, each sundae will be scored and the player who made the best sundae wins.

One player splits the ingredients into piles, and the other players take turns choosing one. The splitter gets the last pile. You'll have to be clever and a little bit sneaky to get the ingredients you want. Collect the best mix of toppings and flavors to make the most valuable ice cream sundae and win!


  • 68 Ingredient Cards:
  • 30 Ice Cream Scoops
  • 9 Vegetables
  • 29 Toppings
  • 3 Reference Cards
  • 1 Score Pad
  • 1 Rulebook
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