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Sherlock Holmes: The Card Game

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$17.89 $7.16

( You save:  $10.73)

Number of Players 3-8
Playtime 60 Min
Suggested Ages 10+
Designer(s) Roger Heyworth
Publisher Gibsons

Containing illustrations from the original novels, this card game goes some way to evoke the feeling of the chase through Victorian London to unmask Moriarty and other villains. Players will draw and lay cards in sequence, Movement, Location, Info, Action, Detectives and Villains. So I might take a train out to the Country, find a clue and use a Disguise. I can use an Inspector, Arrest or Alibi card on my opponents and so on. Play is over either when an Arrest successfully reveals a Villain, or when a player discards their last card, a Villain, who Escapes. Scoring is based on the cards remaining in your hand, and if you are the arresting or guilty player, caught with a Villain in your hand.

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