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None of a Kind

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$13.89 $5.56

( You save:  $8.33)

Number of Players 2-6
Playtime 20 Min
Suggested Ages 8+
Designer(s) Günter Burkhardt
Publisher Amigo

None of a Kind, is a fast-playing pattern-building game — well, anti-pattern-building really. The game has 80 color cards and 30 point cards (valued -4 to 10); each color card has 1-4 words on it, with the words being one of five colors but printed in one of the remaining four colors. Therefore, the card might have "Gelb" (yellow) printed twice, but in black ink.

Shuffle the color cards, and spread them out on the table. Show as many point cards as the number of players. Each player takes a starting card and places it at the beginning of a row. Simultaneously, players start flipping over cards to find one that fits next to their rightmost card, with "fits" being that neither of the two colors on the rightmost card are repeated on the new card and the number of words showing on the two cards are different. If you draw a card that meets this description, include it to your row and draw again; if not, place it face-up on the table.

Once a player has a set number of cards in their row — 7 to 11 depending on the number of players — they call "Stop!" All players check their card rows for mistakes, discarding any mistaken card and all cards played after it. The player with the longest row claims the highest point card on display; the player with the second-longest row the next highest point card; and so on.

Re-shuffle the color cards for another round. After 5 rounds, the player with the highest total wins the game.

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