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Kibble Scuffle

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$19.89 $7.96

( You save:  $11.93)

Number of Players 2-4
Playtime 30 Min
Suggested Ages 14+
Designer(s) Keegan Acquaotta, Jennifer Graham-Macht, Scott Gratien, Jesse Haedrich
Publisher WizKids

Wow! You have a ton of cats, and they all need to eat. Clash their personalities in fun and exciting ways to feed them kibble and win.

Kibble Scuffle is a tactical card game of area control to attempt to get the best food for your feline friends. With cards such as the Robo-Vac and Laser Pointer, you can use toys to strategically distract your opponent's cats. Using the game box as a cat food box to store the food cubes, players will take turns placing their cats and resolving their abilities. For example, the Pounce Cat takes away a cat at a bowl. The Greedy Cat consumes two food cubes. The Mangy Cat forces another player's cat to move away from their bowl. Once there are five cats are at any food bowl, the feeding (scoring) phase begins, followed by a new round.

Once a player reaches 20 points, the person with the most value of food cubes eaten at the end of the feeding phase wins.

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