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$59.89 $23.96

( You save:  $35.93)

Number of Players 2-4
Playtime 30-60 Min
Suggested Ages 14+
Designer(s) Emerson Matsuuchi
Publisher Trick or Treat Studios

The first board game based on the original hit horror movie "Halloween". In this 1 vs. many game, most players will run around the board, searching through houses for useful items and for the kids - Tommy and Lindsey. They can win the game by either causing enough damage to Michael Myers, or by locating Tommy, Lindsey, and a set of car keys so they can escape to safety! Meanwhile, the player controlling Michael Myers will stalk them - and since he is only visible when someone is looking directly at him, he will be an ever-present danger throughout the game. The Myers player can win by killing enough characters, or by keeping the players from escaping for long enough. (If a player's character is killed, they lose anything they are carrying but will come on the board with a new character from the movie).

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