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Grifters: Nexus

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$22.89 $9.16

( You save:  $13.73)

Number of Players 2-4
Playtime 30 Min
Suggested Ages 14+
Designer(s) Dave Fulton, Jacob Tlapek
Publisher Indie Boards & Cards
Base Game Grifters

Gifters operate on the fringe of The Dystopian Universe, eager to gain from the chaos caused by the resistance. Players take on the role of powerful crime bosses, building criminal organizations by carefully recruiting new specialists. The players' criminal teams will steal ISK from the government, powerful corporations, as well as each other. As always, money is power in The Dystopian Universe and the player with the most ISK at the end of the game wins. Are you crafty enough to rob the corporations blind, swindle your opponents and pull off daring heists?

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