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Arcane Wonders
Number of Players 4-8 Playtime 30-45 Min Suggested Ages 12+ Designer(s) Fabian Zimmermann Publisher Arcane Wonders GoodCritters is a negotiation and bluffing game for 4-8 criminal cri...
$25.89 $18.12

( You save:  $7.77)

Number of Players 4-8
Playtime 30-45 Min
Suggested Ages 12+
Designer(s) Fabian Zimmermann
Publisher Arcane Wonders

GoodCritters is a negotiation and bluffing game for 4-8 criminal critters who are pulling off heists and fighting over the loot.

Whoever is chosen as the boss can split up the loot from the heist however they desire, but it's the crew that has the final say. If the crew doesn't like the split, they might just tell the boss to get lost and put some other critter in charge! In the end, the critter that gathers the most valuable stash of loot wins.


  • 140 Loot Cards
  • 40 Action Cards
  • 40 Payoff Cards
  • 1 The Fuzz! Card
  • 8 Threat Markers
  • 1 Boss Marker
  • 16 Payoff Tokens
  • 9 Plastic Stands
  • 1 Rulebook
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