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Caesar's Empire

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Holy Grail Games
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Number of Players 2-5
Playtime 30-60 Min
Suggested Ages 10+
Designer(s) Matthieu Podevin
Publisher Holy Grail Games

Caesar’s Empire is a 2-5 player game about constructing roads for the glory of Rome! Caesar’s Empire takes place in the world of the beloved comic series - Asterix. But, instead of playing as one of the indomitable Gauls, this time around, you’ll be siding with the great Julius Caesar! As a member of his entourage, you’ve been tasked with growing the limits of his empire.

The player who brings the most glory to Rome will be richly rewarded!

In Caesar’s Empire, you will be constructing Roads to connect Rome to new Cities across the board. Every time you build a Road, you score points. Every new City you reach will give City and Treasure tokens that will be worth points at the end of the game. The game is over when Rome is connected to every City on the board. After adding the value of City and Treasure tokens to the points scored during the game, the player with the most points wins the game!

Caesar’s Empire makes use of a simple network-building mechanic. Every time you build a Road, you must connect Rome to a new City by placing one or more of your Road pieces onto the game board. You can build your Road anywhere you like on the board, as long as you start from either Rome, or a City whose token has already been taken. This means you might be continuing a Road started by another player!

When you reach a City, you get to take its token, which may be worth points at the end of the game. Each City also gives a Treasure token. Treasures you find are added to your player board and will give you points at the end of the game, especially if you manage to make collections!

Once you’ve taken your City token and your Treasure, you will score your route back to Rome. Every section of Road included in your route will score 1 point for the player it belongs to. As your route can include sections of Road placed by other players, you might end up giving points to your opponents!

The game proceeds until all of the Cities on the board have been taken. Once the final City has been taken, players will move on to final scoring.

At the end of the game, you’ll score points based on your City tokens. Every City has a value, which is the number on the back. This is the number of points you’ll score for that City. However, if you have more than one City token of the same colour, you only score points for the one of the highest value. You will then score the value of the different collections of Treasure on your player board. Collections may be of the same Treasure or different Treasures, and Gold is scored separately.

The player with the most points at the end of the game returns to Rome to be showered with fortune and glory by Caesar himself!

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