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Munchkin Babies

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Earn 29 Bandit Bucks when you order this product!
Number of Players 3-6
Playtime 60-120 Min
Suggested Ages 10+
Designer(s) Alain H. Dawson, Andrew Hackard, Steve Jackson
Publisher Steven Jackson Games

Munchkin Babies delivers 168 cards full of adorable, sweet baby adventurers . . . who are just as good at backstabbing and loot-grabbing as their elders from Munchkin. Play a cute Orcling, Elfling, Dwarfling, or Quarterling (half a Halfling). Go to preschool to learn your Class: Wiz Kid, Crumb Snatcher, Ankle Biter, or Holy Terror, and then arm yourself with the scariest items from the toy box: the Kazoo of Constant Whining, Kid-Safe Stabbinator, Blame-Resistant Pajamas, and of course, the Extremely Pokey Spoon. You must battle fearsome monsters such as the Jealous Kitty, the Hootin' Nanny, the Napmare, and, worst of all, the Pediatrician! Take their treasure and crawl your way to Level 10!

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