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Peak Oil: Profiteer

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2Tomatoes Games
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Number of Players 1-5
Playtime 30-60 Min
Suggested Ages 14+
Designer(s) Tobias Gohrbandt, Heiko Günther
Publisher 2Tomatoes Games

Peak Oil Profiteer is a standalone board game that takes place in the Peak Oil universe. As the top executive of an oil corporation, you're sent to a war-torn nation that's got a lot of oil — and no one who can help sell it! That is where you come in: Your aim is to make the most cash before corruption ruins the land.

This card-driven tactical game features area control, simultaneous action selection, and a healthy amount of player interaction. Progressing in rounds, players will improve their workforce by investing in powerful consultants and vie for influence over the nation's three warring factions. As control of the oil fields passes between the hands of the so-called "government", the "National Liberation Front", and the noble "Guerilla Militia" you have to ensure you are in the right place at the right time with the right faction leader in your pocket.

Double guess your competitors, blackmail politicians, and sell weapons to whoever requires them to ensure you keep the oil — and money — flowing in your direction. Remember, your sole aim is to make the most profit before corruption destroys this sorry region.

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